Wild Flowers
Western Shooting Star
Western Shooting Star
(Dodecatheon pulchellum)
Dodecatheon is a genus of herbaceous of the family Primulaceae. There are 14 species of
Dodecatheon and seven are found on different parts of Western North America.
Dodecatheon has many common names like Western Shooting Star, Darkthroat Shootingstar,
Saline Shootingstar, Few-flowered Shooting Star, American cowslip,
Indian-chief, Rooster-heads, Mosquito Bills, Sailor-caps and Shooting Star. Some of these common
names are duplicated with other species of Dodecatheon.
This flower appears to be a Western Shooting Star,
(Dodecatheon pulchellum). It was identified by my Mother and I
believe, the species pulchellum, verified by other photos on various web
sites by my research, but not confirmed.
It was found next to the driveway in partial shade. There are
lots of these flowers in many areas of Quailhaven. They prefer good
drainage and may take several years before conditions are right for them to
flower. This plant began flowering in April 2007.
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The following websites have information
about Dodecatheon. I do not endorse any of
these websites but I did find their information useful.
* If you want to copy a multi line link click
URL Help.
Darkthroat Shootingstar
(Dodecatheon pulchellum)
Species Profile
the free encyclopedia
Dodecatheon hendersonii
the free encyclopedia
Dodecatheon jeffreyi
Dodecatheon pulchellum
Western Shooting Star
Dodecatheon pulchellum 'Sooke'
UBC Botanical Garden Forums
Garden Clippin's Online
April in the Shade Garden
Mallorn Plant of the Month
Dodecatheon meadia
PLANTS Profile for
Dodecatheon pulchellum
(darkthroat shootingstar)
Washington Native Plant
Society Photograph of
Dodecatheon jeffreyi