Black Bear
There is
evidence of a bear at Quailhaven. I have not seen the bear yet, but I
have seen the bear’s scat in several areas. Their scat has berries in it,
which identifies it.
We had two beehives, yellow jackets, near the cabin
this year. Apparently bears love to dig them up. That’s just
what I found one morning. The largest hive was dug out of the ground.
Several weeks later the second hive was dug up. I’m still not sure if
it was a bear but evidence is mounting. The neighbors that have
fruit trees see the bears every year in the spring.
Grizzly bears were seen on the North Coast about one
hundred years ago. At one time the creeks were full of fish providing
an abundant food source. Ranchers and settlers, because of fear,
hunted the grizzly to extinction.
Black bears are seen in the area today and have make there home in the
Pacific North West and other areas of the region.
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The following websites have information about Bears. I do not endorse
any of these websites but I did find their information useful.
* If you want to copy a multi line link click
URL Help.
Animal Tracks
Black Bear
Bears in your backyard
What to do!
Black Bear Biology
and Ecology
Black Bear
Habitat Information
Black Bear Home Page
Black Bears in
North America
Defenders Magazine
Defenders of Wildlife
2004 issue
Capital Accounts
First bear in a century
seen on Point Reyes
The Bear Den
All About Bears