Gray Fox
(Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
I saw a Fox
here at Quailhaven. It was during the summer and I was walking down
stream against the hill. I spotted the fox coming toward me beside the
creek. It was about 150 feet away from me.
I froze in place so I would not scare it away.
The Fox was reddish brown in color that I remember. It was just
walking up the path beside the creek till it spotted me, about 50 feet away,
and then ran up the hill.
Different visitors have commented on seeing what they
believe was a fox earlier in the spring and summer near the cabins.
Several times during the year I have seen tracks that have been
identified as Fox, maybe Gray Fox.
The Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) have been
confirmed a little north of here. The Native Red Fox (Vulpes fulva)
lives in mountain areas and may also be here in the coastal mountains.
Both are members of the dog family Canidae. Their diet is small mice,
small voles, earthworms, squirrels, vegetables and berries.
The American Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes fulva) is a
crossbreed of the European Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) and the Native Red Fox
(Vulpes fulva). During the 1600's the European Red Fox was brought to
North America for hunting. Many escaped and crossbred with the
native North American Red Fox (Vulpes fulva). Today some consider both
varieties as one name Vulpes vulpes.
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The following websites have information about Foxes. I do not endorse
any of these websites but I did find their information useful.
* If you want to copy a multi line link click
URL Help.
Animal Tracks
Gray Fox
Animal Tracks
Red Fox
Arctic Fox
Wildlife Notebook Series
Alaska Department of
Fish and Game
BigBlueFox XP
Foxes--Red and Gray
Pacific Rainforest
Wildlife Guardians
Red Fox
the free
Red Fox Wildlife
Notebook Series
Alaska Department of
Fish and Game
The Fox Forest
The Red Fox
The Wild Habitat
Red Fox (Vulpes
Welcome to Cochrane