Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion
(Puma concolor)
I have not yet seen a Mountain Lion at Quailhaven
but this land is perfect for them. They are a confirmed predator in
this area. They dine on deer and other large and small mammals which
Quailhaven has many of. They like dense brush and trees to hide in
which this forest has plenty of. When the deer start to move in groups
it's another sign a predator, like a mountain lion, is around. In time
I will find their tracks and scat.
Mountain Lion (Puma concolor), also called Cougar, are very shy and tend to avoid humans
whenever possible. When people start to encroach on there habitat,
food supply, more conflicts are possible. It's recommended not to feed
wildlife as you may be inadvertently attracting mountain lions.
Mountain Lions are an important part of our
environment. They are making a come back from the brink of extinction. We must not be controlled by fear but have a healthy
respect for there role in the animal kingdom. We must protect there
future existence.
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The following websites have information about Mountain Lions. I do not
endorse any of these websites but I did find their information useful.
* If you want to copy a multi line link click
URL Help.
Animal Tracks
Mountain Lion
Puma concolor
Mountain Lion Page
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion
Mountain Lion
(Felis concolor)
Mountain Lion Attacks
On People in
U.S. and Canada
Mountain Lion Foundation
Mountain Lion Life Cycle
Report on Mountain Lions