Mushrooms & Fungi
Fungi - Research
Mushrooms & Fungi
When the rains come to this forest mushrooms seem to pop up from the earth
almost over night or within a few days. With a warm up or a freeze
they quickly disappear or degenerate. Some of these mushrooms are food
for the wildlife and I suspect are an important part of their diet.
Humans like to
add mushrooms to their diets with sometimes tragic consequences. This
would include poisoning and over harvesting of natures resources.
I have some
photos of some
unidentified mushrooms for you to view. My dream is to someday
identify these mushrooms for educational purposes.
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The following websites have information
about Mushrooms and Fungi. I do not endorse any of
these websites but I did find their information useful.
* If you want to copy a multi line link click
URL Help.
Adam's Fungi Page
Cook's Thesaurus
Edible and
Poisonous Fungi
Family Favorite Mushrooms
SOMA - Edible List of
Northern CA
Taming Wild Mushrooms
The Fungi of California
The Official American
Institute Web site
Typical 'Mushrooms'
UCSF News Office
home after liver transplant,
offers messages on
mushroom safety,
organ donation
Wild About Mushrooms
Wild Edible Mushrooms article
harvesting mushrooms
Alan Muskatmycologist &
Susun Weed
Wild Mushrooms, HYG-3303