History - What's New



Guest Book










What's New



23 June 2010


Added a new pictures... Group 7... to the Pictures page.  This is my new vegetable garden.  The picture show function for this group has yet to be created.  These are all manual html pages to create the show and button links.



19 April 2010


Added link on - Links page.


The Girl Effect





9 March 2010


Added link on - Flora page - The Guide to Trees - and removed on 5 Nov 2012 by request of domain webmaster.



10 February 2010


Added link on - Links page.


Josephine Wall





11 September 2007


Updated link on the Flora - Wild Flower - Calypso Orchid page.


The Calypso

Orchid Company,

Mendocino County,






1 July 2007


Added to the Climate section the 2007 / 2008 Climate data pages.  As each month of climate data is completed that month can be found using the Previous Months link on the climate pages.  Follow the pages and select the season and month of interest.


Currently the climate archive has data stating October 2005 for rain fall, temperature and other data starting November 12, 2005.


Updated several grammar errors on the Home page.



13 June 2007


Added to the Insects / Spiders section of Wildlife, Cricket.  You will also find links of a sound clip of a Cricket in the field of Quailhaven.  They will play in a pop up page using your QuickTime Media player.  If you don't have QuickTime there is a link, on the pop up page, that should play in your default media player setup in your browser.


On the Links page I added a link to an interesting web site.


Earth 911 »

Environmental Recycling,

Reuse & Renewal





11 June 2007


Updated the Frog & Toad page Frog Sound link pop up pages.  The window now has a QuickTime Media player embed in it.  There is a link below to open the file in your default media player in case your browser does not support the embed player.  This is confirmed working in IE, Firefox & Netscape.


Note:  The previous embed Windows Media player was not my first choice.  It was also giving compatibility problems in Netscape browser, version 7.1, causing it to crash.


See 08 May 2007 for more details.



09 June 2007


Updated the Frog & Toad page Frog Sound links.  They now open in a separate pop up window.  The window has a Windows Media player embed in it.  There is a link below to open the file in your default media player in case your browser does not support the embed player.


See 08 May 2007 for more details.



08 June 2007


Updated the Frog & Toad page text.  I also added two other Frog Sound links.  They are both a smaller file size.  The WAV file is 132 KB and the MP3 file is a very small 38 KB.  They are both the same recording as the previous one, but in mono and lower sound quality.  This gives a faster option for dialup users.


See 08 May 2007 for more details.



16 May 2007


On the Links page I added a link to an interesting web site.


Bear Clan Of Medicine Creek Metis





13 May 2007


Updated the Frog & Toad page frog sounds to a shorter length and smaller file size mp3.

See 08 May 2007 for more details.



08 May 2007


Added frog sounds to the Frog & Toad Page.

It can be found on the menu going to Wildlife - Amphibians - Frog & Toad.


It is a mp3 file that should open in your browsers default media player.



2 May 2007


Bug fixes:

Updated Java scripts to correct help page pop up placement from center left to top left using IE browser.


Updated text on Contact & Guest book help pages.



25 April 2007


On the Stories page I added a link to an interesting web site.







In the section Flora, Wildflowers - Calypso Orchid, I added a link to an interesting web site.


The Calypso

Orchid Company,

Mendocino County,



2twoAbout the Orchid.htm



14 April 2007


Added to the Wild Flowers section of Flora California Manroot.



13 April 2007


Added to the Wild Flowers section of Flora California Fawn Lily.

I also renamed Bulbs to Narcissus and Dodecatheon to Western Shooting Star.

Wild Flower Page titles were updated to conform to my web site standard naming rules.



12 April 2007


Added to the Wild Flowers section of Flora:

Calypso Orchid, Indian Warrior, Western Hound's Tongue, Western Shooting Star, (originally named Dodecatheon) and Western Trillium.

I also updated Wild Flower 2 with a second picture and some new information.



20 March 2007


Added Lizard to the Reptiles section of Wildlife.



10 March 2007


Modified Terms of Use page to use a java script to automatically adjust the copyright year.



8 March 2007


Pictures section was updated with Snow pictures for February 2007 - Group 6.  See Pictures - Group 6, Thumb viewer or Picture show.  Recommend Broadband for Picture Show.



5 March 2007


Bug fixes:

Updated images and missing sub pages in image directory section. (This is fixing the progressive scan issue in IE 7, discovered 4 March 2007.)



4 March 2007


Bug fixes:

Discovered partial repeating words using IE 7 browser on medium size text only.  This occurred in some of the narrow text boxes, of the group pictures pages, at the end of a line.  I added a return to that text to force a wrap of the text.  (This seems to be a bug in the new IE 7 browser for narrow column text blanking on wrap.)


Replaced home page pictures because they were not working in progressive scan in IE 7.  (The previous pictures were created with Photoshop 5 and worked perfectly in Firefox.)



4 March 2007


Added an automated date sub page for Guest Book - View pages.  This will show the last entry date in the guest book data base.  This is less prone to error than the previous page date automation.  It does require extra space for text expansion which required a redesign of the upper and lower sections.


As of:


3 March 2007


Bug fixes:

Linked climate database generated sub forms to style sheet font.  Added missing rain totals metric sub form to update process in climate data base.  Replaced picture two, on home page, to have the same progressive loading as the others.



3 March 2007


Launched the newly rebuilt, version 4, Quailhaven website.  The site has a new navigation bar, custom interactive buttons, new color scheme, easier climate archive navigation and pop up help pages when needed.  The format of the website uses style sheets to control colors, fonts and spacing.


The new format can use different desk top sizes from 800 x 600 and up.  It is also works well using large font enlargements.  For extreme text enlargement the website is best viewed with Mozilla Firefox.  For normal text enlargement IE 7 works well.


Many of the pictures were updated from the original for better presentation.


The Guest Book was converted from the automated data base created web pages to a manual format and update.  Pages were reformatted for easier reading and URL link support.


The website rebuild took over a month of research, development and testing.


23 January 2007


Updated the Favicon, or page icon, to a Quail.



The desk top shortcut icon will look like to this in Windows.



This is now confirmed working for IE 7.0.


Note:  I have found that it may not appear instantly.  Patience is required.


See 18 January 2007 for more details.


21 January 2007


The Bat page was updated and completed.  It can be found at: Wildlife - Mammals - Bat.


19 January 2007


Oak trees page was updated and completed.  It can be found at: Flora - Trees - Oak.



18 January 2007


A new visual feature called a Favicon, or page icon, was added to the Entrance page and main category pages, including this page.  In a few weeks, or less, it will also show on all pages as the web site is updated.



This feature shows on the browsers web page address, the Navigation Toolbar.  It will also place the icon when you bookmark the page.  This is working for standardized browsers like Firefox and Netscape.  I'm still working on this for IE 7.0.


(You may need to select the bookmark for the icon to show up. If you have an old book mark you may need to delete it and re-bookmark the page, then select it.)



16 January 2007


On the Links page I added a link to an interesting web site.


Nature-Connected Education




Other links of interest related to this site are:


Michael J. Cohen, Ed. D.





Natural Alternative Book Helps School,

Medicine, Health, Press,

Investment, Therapy Jobs





13 January 2007


Added this page, What's New.  Have you ever wondered what has been added to the web site and when?  Here is a list, in descending order, of what has been added or changed as of 27 November 2007.



11 January 2007


My first creation of an animated GIF image to: Wildlife - Mammals - Deer.  Watch carefully and you may see a deer come past.



04 January 2007


On the Links page I added a link to the web site Earth Vision, http://www.evbooks.net/.



27 November 2006


Upgraded the Climate pages to also show metric readings from the Quailhaven climate records data base.  It will show conversion from, Fahrenheit to Celsius, Inches to Centimeters and Inches of Mercury, In Hg, to Millibars.


When you view the records you can view the data in Metric measures, Celsius / Centimeter, or switch to US measures, Fahrenheit / Inch.  Details of the conversion on the page Data Criteria page.





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